Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Just keep doing the best you can

I'm done whining and complaining about the state of my life. I feel like I've done way to much of that over the last few years.

Looking back on this blog - I see that I've complained a lot.

Complaining is just unproductive. What I need to be doing is taking action.

I'm going to work really hard going forward to focus on the good things that I have in my life.

I want to get my first product launched. It's important to me that I make building an online business my #1 focus right now.

The truth is - I need money to change my situation. Part of me thinks that if I had more money then it would be easier to make the decisions that I need to make.

I don't want the kids to have to do without. I have this huge fear that I'm not going to be able to provide for them.

School has been going really well. I took out a loan to help with getting moved into a new place.

I've been getting good grades.

Work is also going well. I am grateful to have a job that brings me income into the house on a consistent basis.

I've also been doing a good job of meditating more often. I'm trying to slow things down and honor my feelings more.

Baby steps but it's better than sitting around and hoping that life will get better.

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