Saturday, September 9, 2017

It's Saturday

Well, today is Saturday. Will brought over the lawn mower to cut the lawn at our house.

Matt is staying at a friends house. I gave him $10.00 to take with him. I know the last 2 or 3 times that he's gone out - he went without any type of money.

Not that I think he should have money every single times he goes. I just think that from time to time, it's nice to give him money to spend.

He got offered a brand new mattress from one of the guys he works with. It's a $600 dollar mattress. I'm happy that Matt is going to have a nice mattress to sleep on.

I'm not happy about the fact that our relationship feels uncomfortable on an almost regular basis. I don't feel comfortable bringing up any issues or problems in our relationship. Usually, when I do, he gets very defensive. He then lashes out at me for attacking him.

Truthfully, I'm not even trying to attack him. I just think he gets defensive anytime that you try to set a boundary.

And that sucks. There should be boundaries in your relationship. A relationship should be healthy. It should make you feel good and not bad.

That's the biggest problem I know of. The fact that our relationship makes me feel bad inside. It's the never ending drama. It's the constant fighting and arguing over everything. It's being afraid to speak up and defend myself. It's having to give in and be the "bigger" man. It's being put down on a daily basis.

How do you change things when your partner is not willing to try and work things out? I mean, if at least we could acknowledge some of the issues then we could begin to solve some of them.

I'm in shock

Not in a bad way. In a good way. I can't believe how much better I feel. I decided that I'm not going to talk or interact with him...